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Quality Policy

Guardforce Security Services Limited are committed to providing our customers with a competitive cost and a fault-free, reliable service.

To achieve this objective, our Quality Assurance system is vital. It is constantly developed, implemented and improved, to enable us to continue to satisfy BS EN ISO 9001 2008.

The procedures and practice outlined in the Quality Manual are there for that purpose: to ensure staff understand the importance of meeting customer, statutory and regulatory requirements.

This enables Guardforce’s customers to feel confidence in our services and – for this reason – the implementation of our Quality Policy is mandatory for all our employees.

Modern Slavery

This statement is made pursuant to s.54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and sets out the steps that Guardforce Security has taken and is continuing to take to ensure that modern slavery or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain.

Modern slavery encompasses slavery, servitude, human trafficking and forced labour. Guardforce Security has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all business dealings and to putting effective systems and controls in place to safeguard against any form of modern slavery taking place within the business or our supply chain.

Our business

Guardforce Security Services Limited was established in 1993 by the Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer. Our Head Office is based in Watford, conveniently located close to junction 5&6 of the M1. This location also boasts excellent road links to the M1, M25, A41, A406, A5 and A1(M) which are the operating corridors for our business.

We currently operate from the following location from around the United Kingdom:

  • Home Counties: supporting Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire, and Hertfordshire
  • London: servicing clients within the M25 motorway, including the city, West End together with parts of Berkshire, Essex, Kent, and Surrey.
  • Midlands: covering Northamptonshire, Leicestershire and parts of Warwickshire and Yorkshire.

Guardforce Security Services launched its first overseas office in Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE) in April 2007 and offer our clients a wide range of security services from the retails, educational, hospitality, commercial and industrial business industries.

In the United Kingdom, Guardforce security services is an Approved Contractor’s Scheme (ACS) this is a government body regulating the private security industry. In a recent audit carried out in July 2015, we increased score by a staggering 7 marks on our previous year’s scores. This new score places Guardforce Security Services Limited in the league top 50 SIA (ACS) medium sized companies.

In the United Arab Emirates, Guardforce Security Services are committed to providing our clients with the best service in the industry and are highly mindful that the excellent standards that we lead by in the United Kingdom are equally matched in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). We train our staff in accordance to the UAE Policies governed by the Department of Police

Our policies

We operate a number of internal policies to ensure that we are conducting business in an ethical and transparent manner. These include:

  1. Modern Slavery policy. This policy sets out the organisation’s stance on modern slavery and explains how employees can identify any instances of this and where they can go for help.
  2. Recruitment policy. We operate a robust recruitment policy, including conducting eligibility to work in the UK checks for all employees to safeguard against human trafficking or individuals being forced to work against their will.
  3. Whistleblowing policy. We operate a whistleblowing policy so that all employees know that they can raise concerns about how colleagues are being treated, or practices within our business or supply chain, without fear of reprisals.
  4. Code of business conduct. This code explains the manner in which we behave as an organisation and how we expect our employees and suppliers to act.

Our suppliers

Guardforce Security operates a supplier policy and maintains a preferred supplier list. We conduct due diligence on all suppliers before allowing them to become a preferred supplier. This due diligence includes an online search to ensure that particular organisation has never been convicted of offenses relating to modern slavery [and on-site audits which include a review of working conditions]. Our anti-slavery policy forms part of our contract with all suppliers and they are required to confirm that no part of their business operations contradicts this policy.


We regularly conduct training for our procurement/buying teams so that they understand the signs of modern slavery and what to do if they suspect that it is taking place within our supply chain.

Our performance indicators

We will know the effectiveness of the steps that we are taking to ensure that slavery and/or human trafficking is not taking place within our business or supply chain if:

Approval for this statement

This statement was approved by the Board of Directors.

Gifts and Bribery

Business Gifts, Tips, and Hospitality

1. Employees are required not to accept tips from customers. Business lunches and modest gifts, such as diaries or calendars, can be accepted. However, employees are required to advise their manager and Company Procurement when any such gift is received.
2. Permission must be obtained in advance for more substantial gifts or hospitality. Employees should notify the director or his representative. The employing manager or director will determine the appropriate scale and frequency of acceptance. Where permission is granted, it must be clearly recorded in writing and a copy retained on the staff record.
3. Employees must not be or seem to be, influenced in making a business decision due to any business gift, hospitality, or favour. Where any doubt exists about whether to accept a gift or hospitality, it should be declined.

Guardforce Security Services Business Ethics Standard

Outlines what employees are required to do to ensure that they do not use their authority or position for personal gain or against the interests of Guardforce.

Operational and Accounting Records and Instructions
Employees must ensure that any operational records and accounts for which they are responsible are truthful, accurate, complete, and up to date. In addition, they need to comply with legal and operational standards and regulations.

Business Expenses
Employees are required to exercise prudence when incurring business expenses and always get approval from the Group CEO or his authorized representative first.

Relationships with Suppliers
There should not be reliance on one supplier and Framework Providers should be the first port of call.

Confidentiality and Accuracy of Information
Confidential information must not be used for personal gain or against the legitimate interests of Guardforce.

Contact with Media
Unless express permission has been obtained from the Group CEO or his authorized representative, no statements, views, or representation on behalf of or for the company must be given to the press or any media.

The Bribery Act 2010 came into force on 1st July 2011 with the principal aim of preventing acts of bribery and cleaning up business practices both in the UK and Dubai law of 1970 (Dubai Penal Code).

The Bribery Act imposes a number of requirements and obligations upon businesses, particularly those dealing across borders and/or with public officials. Employees throughout the company are responsible for avoiding bribery, as are our agents, subcontractors, and other third-party associates.

This Anti-Bribery Policy is a key tool for employers in ensuring compliance on the part of their employees with the Bribery Act. The policy addresses important bribery-related matters including gifts and political and charitable donations.

Relationships at Work


The Company recognises that employees who work together may form personal friendships and, in some cases, close personal relationships. While it does not wish to interfere with these personal relationships, it is necessary for the Company to ensure that all employees behave in an appropriate and professional manner at work.

Whilst not all such situations raise issues of conflict of interest, this is not always the case. The implications of close personal relationships at work can include:
• Effect on the trust and confidence of colleagues in relation to a conflict of interest, fair treatment, and their own ability to discuss issues openly within a team or with their line manager;
• Perception of suppliers, contractors, clients or the general public in relation to the professionalism and fairness of the Company and its employees;
• Operational issues affecting the ability to deliver the service effectively;
• Conflicting loyalties and breach of confidentiality.

The purpose of this policy is, therefore, to assist line managers and Human Resources staff in dealing sensitively, but effectively, with situations where employees have or form a close personal relationship with someone with whom they work.

These provisions are intended to avoid any possible conflict of interest or accusation of bias, favouritism or prejudice. They are also intended to ensure that all employees feel confident of fair treatment without the fear that a close personal relationship will influence their or other employee’s treatment or broader working relationships.

To avoid any accusation of bias, employees must not be involved in any appointment where they are a relative or partner of, or have a close personal relationship with, the individual being considered for appointment. It also provides that employees must not be involved in decisions relating to discipline, promotion or pay adjustments for any other employee where there is a similar relationship.


This policy applies to all employees, contractors and consultants.

Close personal relationships within this policy are defined as:

• Employees who are married, dating or in a partnership or co-habiting arrangement;
• Immediate family members of the applicant or employee example parents and son/daughter, brother/sister, grandparent/grandchild;
• Other relations of the applicant or employee example extended families such as aunts/uncles/cousins/nieces/nephews and any other individuals with whom there is a close personal relationship example close friendship, business associates (outside the company)

Recruitment and Appointment of Employees

During the recruitment process, all applicants and employees are required to disclose if they are a relative or partner of or have a close personal relationship with any employees. Failure to disclose such a relationship may disqualify the applicant from the recruitment process. Any applicant that seeks the support of a manager or director for any appointment will also be disqualified.

For the avoidance of any doubt, new appointments should not be considered where a close personal relationship exists between the applicant and the manager of the department.

Where the applicant, if appointed, would work in the same team or office with an employee with whom they have a close personal relationship (but not a line management relationship), the implications of this should be considered and discussed as part of the selection process. This is to ensure that, assuming they are otherwise the most suitable candidate for the job, the appointment would also be appropriate taking into account operational issues and standards. Such issues could include shift patterns, annual leave requirements, a potential conflict of interest and confidentiality issues.

To avoid the accusation of any bias, an employee or director must not be involved in any appointment process where they are related, or have a close personal relationship outside work with the individual being considered for appointment.

Relationships Formed whilst in Post

Close personal relationships may not form between colleagues in the same team or office during the course of their employment.

Where a close personal relationship involves the direct line manager team or department, in consultation with Human Resources, the director will inform the two individuals that one MUST resign from the company with immediate effect:

Any employee who is involved in a close personal relationship with a contractor, client, customer or supplier must not allow that relationship to influence his/her conduct while at work. Intimate behaviour during work time, for example, kissing, touching or holding hands, is extremely prohibited. This rule applies during all working time, whether at the normal workplace, on clients’ premises or elsewhere. Any breach of this rule will be regarded as a serious disciplinary offence leading to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.

Other Colleagues Affected by a Close Personal Relationship

Employees who feel they are affected by a close personal relationship at work involving other colleagues, should at all times feel that they can approach without prejudice, their Human Resources or Executive Director to explain their concerns.

Relationships with Clients, Consultants or Contractors

No special favour should be shown in the tendering process to businesses run by, for example, friends, partners or relatives. Employees who engage or supervise clients and/or consultants/contractors or have any other work relationship with these parties and have previously had or currently have a close personal relationship with someone who works for them must declare that relationship to the Director of their department or line manager.

This policy is intended for all staff working for Guardforce security services including the security officer, supervisors, admin, accounts, PRO, sales and all managers including the executive manager.

For your compliance.

Employee Welfare

Guardforce Security Services are committed to the health, safety, welfare, and dignity of all our employees. We work with organizations as partners or suppliers to encourage them to support our commitments. This includes our sub-contractors (If any) and suppliers, Organizations or companies who are supplying or working with us must demonstrate effective leadership and commitment to staff/ employees’ welfare focusing on the points listed below;

The Company must:

1. Fair and free recruitment is in place using the merits system.
2. The company must ensure that employees understand the terms and conditions of their employment contracts and issue a company handbook to all staff.
3. All staff rights must be respected.
4. Adhere to staff policy on harassment and abuse and ensure it does not take place.
5. Everyone must be treated with respect and all our company policies relating to equal opportunity, and diversity are adhered to.
6. All staff salaries will be paid in full on time. All sub-contractors invoices must be paid on time.
7. In line with the company Health and Safety policy ensure a safe working environment is provided.
8. Allow all employees freedom to exercise their in-country legal rights without fear of reprisal. However, as a sponsor company must be equally responsible to ensure that employees are discouraged to break the law in UAE.
9. Ensure all employees are aware and access is available to grievance mechanisms and remediation.
10. Ensure Guardforce Modern day slavery policy is adhered to.

Our employees’ welfare policy will be reviewed periodically and revised as needed.

Health & Safety

It is important to provide a safe and healthy working environment for all our people and others who may be affected by our undertakings. As a minimum standard, this will be achieved by compliance with European Union directives and regulations set by government agencies.

The Managing Director is ultimately responsible for adherence to Health and Safety legislation. The Health and Safety Representative is responsible for advising management of current regulations, for defining procedures, identifying risks and ensuring compliance with all health and safety measures. The most senior member of staff at each of our offices or premises is responsible for ensuring that it provides a safe working environment. Every employee must take responsibility for working safely and for complying with health and safety guidelines issued by Guardforce Security Services Ltd.,

Failure to comply with guidelines for safe working practices jeopardises safety and can, therefore, result in disciplinary action.

Guardforce recognises that it has a mutual responsibility with the customer to minimise risks, in particular to our employees, on customers’ premises. We will liaise closely with the customer to identify risk and ensure compliance with health and safety legislation. Information on any preventative or protective measures to be implemented will be provided to staff in the Assignment Instructions for the site and training will be provided by local management. Regular assessments will be carried out to ensure that information remains up to date and relevant.

Health and safety training will be provided to all new employees as part of their Induction to Guardforce. Additional training will be provided where new or increased risks are identified.
Although our goal will always remain the elimination of risk, Personal Protective Equipment will be provided where necessary. Where equipment is provided, failure to use it may result in disciplinary action.

All accidents or dangerous occurrences must be reported through the appropriate channels. Where practical and appropriate, staff will be consulted regarding the implementation of measures to ensure a safe working environment. However, anyone may, and, indeed, should, highlight potential hazards or make recommendations to improve safety. This may be done through normal communication routes.

We will always endeavour to provide adequate measures, training, information and supervision to minimize risk, however, we rely on the support and full co-operation of all our employees in our efforts to provide a safe working environment.

Guardforce Security Services Ltd., visits each and every site prior to commencing to ensure that adequate welfare facilities are in place for all our staff and these facilities are made available by our customers. Due to the very nature of the role of Security Officer we do not have any reason to handle or control any substances which are hazardous to Health & Safety (COSHH). However, if we come across such potential hazards we will report them to the customer immediately and do not enter the area until it is rectified.

Equal Opportunities and Diversity

Guardforce Global intends to be an “employer of choice” within the industry and believes that our goal can only be achieved by treating all employees fairly and equally.

Our Company recognises its obligations under the Equality Act 2010, Race Relations Act 2010, Sex Discrimination Act 2008 and Disability Discrimination Act 2005 to eliminate discrimination on the grounds of disability, race, sex, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, pregnancy or maternity or marital status and to promote equal opportunity in employment. We also understand that a right to equal pay between men and women, free of sex bias, is a fundamental principle of European Community Law and is conferred by UK legislation.

We are committed to the promotion of equal opportunities in all aspects of employment regardless of sex, race, parental or marital status, age, religion, disability, or any other criteria not specifically related to skills, abilities, and potential. No applicant or employee will be placed at a disadvantage by requirements or conditions that are not necessary to the performance of the job.

Our staff responsible for recruiting and selecting in their area must be aware that both employees and non-employees can bring claims under the Sex Discrimination Act, the Race Relations Act or the Disability Discrimination Act if they feel they have been unfairly treated during a selection process.

Appropriate disciplinary action, including summary dismissal for serious offenses, will be taken against any employee who violates Guardforce Security Limited’s equal opportunities policy. Any employee who feels that he or she has been treated unfairly or feels that he or she has suffered harassment should raise their grievance through the appropriate channels.

Our directors, managers, and supervisors are responsible for eliminating and preventing discrimination, harassment, intimidation or victimisation. Failure to do so will be treated as a failure to fulfill one of the responsibilities of their position.

Guardforce Global recognizes that regular monitoring is essential to the effectiveness of this policy and, therefore, periodic checks will be made to ensure that discrimination does not arise. We intend, through our Equal Opportunities Policy, to avoid unfair treatment, to fairly reward the skills, experience and contribution of all staff and, therefore, increase competitiveness and enhance the reputation of our Company.

Lone Worker

The Company recognises that there may be an increased risk to the Health and Safety of its employees whilst working alone. We have assessed the risks to Lone workers, considering all work currently undertaken alone (or proposed to be), where the risk may be increased by the work activity itself, or by the lack of on-hand support should something go wrong.

The results from these risk assessments have and are implemented as necessary and all staff is made aware of the necessary control measures when on sites, following our safe systems of work and any other associated procedures at all times, any breach of these regulations may result in a disciplinary action. Should the nature of the tasks change in any way, the supervisor must ensure that a new risk assessment is carried out and the necessary controls implemented.

Where necessary, all lone workers will be fully trained in the safe working practices to be adopted in order to carry out their tasks safely. This will apply to employees and other workers where applicable. All lone workers are expected to co-operate fully with any instructions giving by their supervisors, of which it is the responsibility of individual supervisors to monitor the tasks being carried out by their staff.

Environmental Policy

The Management of Guardforce Security Services Ltd recognise our wider social responsibilities both in our operating practices and the influence we can bring to bear as an employer and purchaser of goods and services.
Therefore, we are committed to taking positive action wherever possible to influence environmental issues. These actions include:
• Providing information and guidelines to security personnel and other staff regarding ways of maximizing energy efficiency and minimising waste
• Designing procedures to reduce paper and make the best use of resources
• Use of lead-free or diesel fuels in company vehicles and encouraging sharing of vehicles and the use of public transport where appropriate
• Regular servicing of vehicles and equipment to maximise efficiency and fuel conservation
• Recycling waste where appropriate and the use of recycled products
• Giving preferential consideration to environmentally friendly products and suppliers who demonstrate higher levels of environmental concern.

Corporate Social Responsibility

CRS Statement sustainable

The Company and is meaningful committed way, to taking carrying into account its business ethics, and environmental affairs in a socially and needs responsible, for society at large.

What CSR means

The Company regards CSR as:

  1. A strategic means to make a positive contribution to its business success
  2. Conducting its business in a socially responsible and ethical manner
  3. Protecting the environment and the protection and safety of people and consumers
  4. Part of its plan to continue to build trust in the Company from customers, employees, and from the communities in which it operates
  5. Supporting Human Rights, operating an equal opportunity policy, and respecting diversity Part of its plan to generate teamwork among employees and pride and commitment to the Company

Policy Objective

This document sets out the direction and boundaries of the Company’s CRS policy which applies to all activities undertaken by or on behalf of the Company.

The Company will ensure that all matters of CRS are supported in our operations and administrative matters and are consistent with the Company stakeholder’s best interest. The Company is committed to being recognised as an organisation considerate of CRS and recognises that in doing so will add value to all aspects of the organisation.

The Company Managing Director will have ultimate responsibility for ensuring the pervasiveness of CRS throughout Guardforce Security Limited and the Company management team will act as role models by incorporating CRS considerations into the decision-making processes in all business activities. The Company management team will ensure the appropriate structures are in place to enable effective monitoring, auditing, and development of CRS initiatives.

Business Ethics and Transparency

The Company is committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and corporate governance in all aspects of its daily operations to provide excellence and confidence in its business activities for all stakeholders.

Health and safety and environmental policies are in place and are communicated to all staff via staff handbooks and various other methods.

Stakeholder Activity

The Company will ensure that all stakeholders are treated with respect, openly, and honestly.

Employee Relations

The Company will ensure that all employees are treated fairly and with dignity, with consideration for their goals and aspirations, and that diversity in the workplace is embraced by all employees. The company will adopt fair labour practices both in the spirit and the letter of the national and local laws.

The Company is committed to providing equal opportunities in all aspects of its business and will not tolerate workplace conduct that is contrary to this requirement including discrimination, intimidation, or harassment.

Human Rights

The Company will not tolerate, engage or be complicit in any activity that solicits or encourages human rights abuses.

The Company will work with the government and other authorised agencies to support activities focussing on the improvement of human rights within its sphere of influence.

The Company will strive to build trust and demonstrate respect for diverse cultures, customs, and values of individuals and groups.

Community Relations

Where possible the Company will invest in the local community and support activities that result in a mutual benefit.

The Company will actively participate in the local business community by developing and sustaining membership in appropriate associations.

Children's Safeguarding Policy

Guardforce abides by the duty of care to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and young people and is committed to safeguarding practice that reflects statutory responsibilities, and government guidance and complies with best practice requirements.

  • We recognize the welfare of children is paramount in all the work we do and in all the decisions we take
  • All children, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation has an equal right to protection from all types of harm or abuse
  • Some children are additionally vulnerable because of the impact of previous experiences, their level of dependency, communication needs or other issues
  • Working in partnership with children, young people, their parents, carers and other agencies is essential in promoting young people’s welfare.

Guardforce will:

  • Protect children, young people, and adults who receive our services
  • Provide staff that follows and practices our approach to child protection.

This policy applies to anyone working on behalf of Guardforce, frontline staff, non-frontline staff, senior managers, admin staff, and our management. Failure to comply with the policy and related procedures will be addressed without delay and may ultimately result in dismissal/exclusion from the organisation.

Guardforce recognises children safeguarding falls under the following definitions:

  • Protecting children from maltreatment.
  • Preventing impairment of children’s health or development.
  • Ensuring that children are treated and provided with the provision of safe and effective care and respect.
  • Taking action to ensure all children remain safe and secure at all times.

Guardforce has in place arrangements for staff training and briefing on a regular basis to reflect the importance of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people as well as vulnerable adults. This includes training of all employees, staff, and senior managers. Our Training includes the following as a minimum to have awareness training that enables them to:

  • Understand what safeguarding is and its role in safeguarding children.
  • Recognize a child potentially in need of safeguarding and take action.
  • Understand how to report a safeguarding Alert.
  • Understand dignity and respect when working with children.
  • Have knowledge of the Safeguarding Children Policy.

Guardforce expects all employees, staff, and senior management to maintain confidentiality under the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

All employees are aware of Guardforce’s policy and procedures regarding the use of mobile phones and any digital technology and understand that it is unlawful to photograph children and young people without the explicit consent of the person with parental responsibilities.

Guardforce has relevant and supporting up to date policies and procedures that cover the recruitment of all employees, and also address health & safety, code of conduct, duties, and responsibilities, equal opportunities, environment, drugs & alcohol, diversity, confidentiality, and social media.

Guardforce is committed to safe employment and safe recruitment practices, that reduce the risk of harm to children from people unsuitable to work with them or have contact with them.

Training Policy

For any company that offers security solutions, training is a vital component. It is imperative that our staff are trained to the highest possible standard, ensuring they can carry out their duties professionally and proficiently.

At Guardforce, we strongly believe in equipping our employees with the knowledge and skills they need to service our clients. That is why all of our security officers undergo thorough training in the classroom, based on the UK’s NVQ Level 2 BTEC Award. The level of training that they receive ensures that they will meet – and in most cases – exceed legislation requirements.

We can promise our clients that every single security officer that we assign to them will have gone through this rigorous training program, meaning that our security solutions will always be effective.

Lots of companies do not place the required emphasis on training – so it’s important to hire a security solutions provider who understand its importance. If you want to know more about the training our security officers receive, or about our commitment to our clients, please get in touch.

Areas covered in training:

  • Security Patrolling
  • Powers of Arrest
  • Telephone Manner
  • Fire fighting and prevention
  • Completing documentation
  • Conflict management

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