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Home » Our Services » Receptionists


If you’re in need of a security officer to maintain a strong presence at your premises, we have a solution that not only ensures security but also offers excellent value for money.

Our security officers are not your ordinary guards; they’re trained in multiple crucial areas, including reception work. This unique approach enables Guardforce officers to seamlessly transition into the role of a receptionist when required. By hiring one of our officers who is dually trained, you can save significant costs on hiring separate security and reception personnel.
When you choose Guardforce, you’re entering into a contract with us, not the receptionist themselves. This arrangement ensures that you have continuous coverage. In cases of holidays or illness, we take care of arranging a replacement to cover the necessary duties. Our security officers are ready to work day or night, acting as a powerful deterrent to potential criminals and providing a sense of security to your residents or staff

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